
Meet Jacinta, St Nicholas’ new Executive Manager – Operations

Get to know Jacinta Gillies, St Nicholas’ new Executive Manager – Operations, including a bit about her background, passions and why she loves working in early childhood education and care.

Hi everyone,

I am Jacinta Gillies, and I am honored to serve as St Nicholas’ Executive Manager – Operations. What drew me to this position was the profound opportunity to contribute to the delivery of early education and out of school hours (OOSH) services within the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. With over two decades of experience in the early childhood sector, having held senior leadership roles in operations, people, talent and learning, I found a profound connection with St Nicholas, a connection rooted in my personal experiences as a former student and a parent within the Diocese.

My journey in the early childhood sector began as an Early Childhood Teacher, providing me with a profound appreciation for the crucial role our teams play in shaping the lives of children. Witnessing children confidently transition into formal schooling, forging strong partnerships with families and supporting staff to grow professionally are among the many highlights of my career. These experiences drive my passionate commitment to ensuring that our services contribute to the growth and thriving of every child.

I am thrilled to embark on this new role with St Nicholas, where I look forward to collaborating with the entire team to provide exceptional early education and care services across the Diocese. My excitement lies in building an organisation where dedicated individuals with shared visions find inspiration and fulfillment.

Outside of my professional life, I am a wife and mother to two wonderful children who keep me actively engaged, especially on the sidelines of various sports events. We share a love for active sports, and our downtime is often spent by the beach, our favourite retreat. In this role and beyond, my focus remains on creating positive outcomes for children, families, our teams and communities.

I am enthusiastic about the journey ahead with St Nicholas, and I am committed to contributing to the continued success and growth of our organisation.