Advice and ideas

Be SunSmart – 5 tips from Cancer Council

With the hot summer weather comes beautiful sunny days that inspire outdoor play. Use these five SunSmart steps from Cancer Council when venturing outdoors to keep you and your family safe from the sun.

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Whether you’re just stepping out, exercising or commuting, these five steps can keep you protected:

  1. Wear protective clothing – choose outfits that cover as much of your body as possible
  2. Slop on SPF50 or SPF50+ broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen and reapply every two hours
  3. Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that covers your face, neck and ears
  4. Seek shade under trees, structures or an umbrella with high UPF rating
  5. Slide on some sunglasses (ensure they meet Australian standards for maximum protection)

Small changes can make a big difference. Remember to make sure you protect your skin using all five forms of sun protection: Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide next time you go outside.

This article has been paraphrased from the Cancer Council. Read more here.