1. Clean out fridge and dispose of any expired or perishable items (also check items in pantry)
2. Service phones – Put a temporary message on your phones similar to the below email message (item #4).
3. Secure site
- Make sure doors & Windows are locked
- Items outside are securely stored
- IT equipment is stored securely and out of sight
- Medication is stored correctly and securely.
4. Put an out of office message on email, like the below example:
Thank you for contacting (name) at St Nicholas Early Education/OOSH (location). I/we am/are currently out-of-office on leave, returning (date). I /we will endeavour to respond to your email when I/we return on (date).
Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Warm regards,
(Your name)
5. Cancel or postpone any deliveries scheduled for the shutdown period.
6. Check your roster for the new year and advise your manager of any issues.
7. NS/Directors send an email to your families advising them of your closure dates (head office will supply)