Muswellbrook Childcare and Early Learning

111 Skellatar Stock Rte, Muswellbrook, 2333
(02) 6542 4420 Book a tour Enquire now
Child and educator playing outside at Muswellbrook early education centre

About St Nicholas Early Education Muswellbrook

St Nicholas Early Education Muswellbrook is a 104-place early education and care centre co-located with St James’ Primary School. Complete with immersive natural outdoor environments, warm open-plan playrooms, and the region’s most dedicated and passionate team of educators, our Muswellbrook centre is the perfect place for children to begin their learning journey. 

Our Muswellbrook centre opened in early 2021 alongside St James’ Primary School, offering a convenient one-stop drop-off and pick-up for parents and carers with children attending both places while also supporting St Nicholas’ Transition to School program for preschool children. With St Nicholas and St James’ both part of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, our Muswellbrook centre offers families a connected educational pathway with priority enrolment at St James’, creating a seamless transition from early childhood to primary education.  

The centre’s impressive outdoor environments feature bicycle tracks, sandstone sand pits, climbing structures, a mud pit and kitchen, and lots of natural elements included to excite and engage children’s innate desires for exploration and discovery. 

  • Gallery
  • Fees and inclusions
  • Centre Director
  • Learning pathway
Children and educator on climbing structure outside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Children and educator on basket swing outside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Child and educator walking together outside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Children playing in sandpit together outside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Child riding on bike supervised by educator outside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Child and educator playing in mud kitchen together outside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Baby and educator interacting inside at Muswellbrook early education centre
Child and educator painting together at Muswellbrook early education centre
Child and educator looking through microscope at Muswellbrook early education centre
Educator reading to children at Muswellbrook early education centre

Kunarr (0 – 2 years) – $155.50
Wanay (0 – 2 years) – $155.50
Kampal (2 – 3 years) – $154.50
Wangkan (2 – 3 years) – $154.50
Payami (3 – 4 years) – $145.00
Puwampi (4 – 5 years) – $145.00

For personalised fee information, you can contact our friendly Admin and Client Services Team on (02) 4979 1110

Out-of-pocket cost 

It only takes a few minutes to estimate your Child Care Subsidy. Use Services Australia’s Child Care Subsidy estimator to find out how much your family could claim – click here.

Coming soon

Priority enrolment at Catholic Schools

Each St Nicholas Early Education centre is connected to Catholic primary schools in its region, which then feed into designated Catholic secondary schools. Enrolling with us provides your child with a structured educational pathway, supported by our priority enrolment advantage.

To learn more, please refer to the full Catholic Schools Enrolment Policy.

Make an enquiry

  • Early Education
  • OOSH
  • Pathways
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Your details

Parent name(Required)
I have read and understand the privacy policy(Required)
I have read and understand the privacy policy

By entering your details you are registering your interest in enrolling your child. One of our friendly staff will be in touch shortly.


Are you interested in Before and After School Care or Vacation Care?


Before and After School Care

Vacation Care


Submit an enrolment request for Before and After School Care or Vacation Care. One of our friendly team members will be in touch as soon as possible.

Please note:

  • Submitting an enrolment request or enquiry does not constitute a confirmed enrolment or booking. No enrolment or booking is confirmed until you have received confirmation from St Nicholas.

  • For casual and Vacation Care bookings, we have a 5-day cancellation policy, after which the parent/carer will be liable for their full fees for that session. For permanent bookings, we have a 2-week cancellation policy.

  • One-off cancellations for permanent bookings still require the parent/carer to pay their full fees for that session, unless the cancellation is permanent, in which case the family will forfeit their permanent place for that session.

Your details

I have read and understand the privacy policy

Please fill out the form with your details and preferred study program. One of our friendly staff will be in touch shortly.