Recent changes to the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Schools Enrolment Policy will directly impact families of St Nicholas Early Education who wish to enrol their children at a local Catholic primary school following their time at one of our centres.
Starting at the beginning of 2024, the changes to the enrolment criteria for Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Schools will be as per the following priority order:
- Siblings of students currently enrolled in the Catholic primary school to which the application is being made.
- Catholic families living within the school’s catchment area (in priority order):
a. Catholic families that have strong demonstrable links to the local Catholic Parish.
b. Catholic families who participate irregularly in the life and worship of the Parish.
c. Catholic families who do not participate in Parish life but whose children attend a CDMN St Nicholas Early Education Centre.
d. Catholic families living within the school’s catchment area that do not participate in Parish life.
3. Families whose children attend a CDMN St Nicholas Early Education centre and live within the school’s catchment area.
4. Families of other Christian denominations living within the school’s catchment area and committed to supporting all aspects of Catholic education.
5. Other families living within the school’s catchment area and committed to supporting all aspects of Catholic education.
The new policy gives greater priority to families and children from St Nicholas Early Education when it comes to enrolment into local Catholic primary schools. We believe that these changes will help strengthen the bonds within our community and provide enhanced opportunities for our children and families.
For more details on the enrolment prioritisation criteria please visit the Enrolment Policy page on the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle website or alternatively read the FAQs as follows for further information.
If you have any questions about these changes, please do not hesitate to reach out – contactus@stnicholasmn.org.au
FAQs for parents and carers
Why the change to the enrolment policy?
Applications for 2024 enrolments across some areas of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (CDMN) far outweigh the available capacity at the school sites. The enrolment policy has been updated so Catholic pathway school students receive priority at Catholic schools.
When does the new enrolment policy start?
The new Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Schools enrolment policy will be implemented for enrolments for 2024 onwards.
What are the school pathways?
For information on the CDMN pathway school relationships from St Nicholas to primary school, right through to secondary school, please refer to the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Schools Education Pathway document linked here.
Considerable analysis and review has been provided to best accommodate students across the region, with the catchment areas for secondary schools reflecting the collective primary schools’ geographic catchment areas
Who should families speak to if they have further concerns?
Families should speak to the relevant school principal in the first instance. If families feel they need to express further concern, they can contact the Catholic Schools Office by email at feedback@mn.catholic.org.au.
Make an enquiry
- Early Education
- Pathways