Early Education

Giving back to our community

Thank you to our families and centre team at St Nicholas Early Education Gillieston Heights who collected ten backpacks worth of school supplies and additional stationary items for The Backpack Venture.


The power of giving

The Backpack Venture serves a critical purpose: collecting and distributing school supplies to students in rural areas who might not have easy access to the necessary resources to facilitate their learning.

Our Gillieston Heights centre recently partnered with The Backpack Venture to turn empathy into action by gathering backpacks brimming with school supplies along with additional stationery items. This effort was a testament to the centre community’s generosity and a reflection of St Nicholas’ collective commitment to supporting every child’s right to education.


The impact of a well-equipped backpack

Imagine the joy and confidence a child feels when they start their school term not just prepared, but fully equipped. That’s the opportunity The Backpack Venture provides. Students receiving these backpacks aren’t just getting school supplies; they’re getting a boost of confidence, a message that they are supported and valued. They start their term ready and excited to learn.


Integrating community engagement in our curriculum

At St Nicholas, we view these acts of community engagement not only as support but as critical educational opportunities for children. Integrating community engagement into our curriculum has profound benefits. It teaches children empathy, social responsibility, and the importance of giving back. These are invaluable life lessons that help shape children into compassionate, thoughtful, and proactive citizens.

Through projects like The Backpack Venture, children learn to appreciate what they have, understand the needs of others, and recognise how they can make a difference. They engage in activities that involve collecting, organising, and even helping to distribute supplies, providing them with a hands-on experience in service and teamwork.