St Nicholas OOSH Vacation Care terms and conditions
Current pupil free day and vacation care are as listed on the program
Parents/caregivers must provide written notice of booking cancellations five full working days prior to the booking, otherwise fees are non-refundable.
In the instance that St Nicholas is required to change a program, for example, due to weather, illness, or other event, the activity will be substituted and fees charged in line with the current schedule of fees for vacation care base rate, incursion or excursion. Fees for the substitute activity are non-refundable.
Breakfast and afternoon tea is provided unless otherwise stated on the program. Children should bring enough food to include morning tea and lunch. Food cannot be reheated or cooked.
Children are advised not to bring valuables to the service (mobile phones, game boys, electronic equipment etc) as the service cannot take responsibility for these items, especially on excursions. All personal items must be labelled.
Parents/caregivers are required to notify the service of any allergies and/or medical conditions their child may have when enrolling and ensure all required documentation is completed before the child’s first enrolled day.
Parents/caregivers are responsible for updating all contact details and emergency contact details including authorised pick-up persons.
Medication can only be administered by staff with the written permission from a parent/caregiver. Permission to administer medication requires a medication authority form. Forms are available at the service.
All children must be signed in and out by parents, guardians or other authorised persons provided on enrolment form.
Service and vacation care rules are established for the safety and enjoyment of all children. Children are expected to respect and follow these rules. Breaches of these rules may result in exclusion from activities or the program following consultation between service staff and parents/caregivers.
Please see the program your service’s closing time. Late fees are automatically added to OOSH accounts when necessary.
I give permission for my child/ren travelling by public transport, bus, car and walking where appropriate as part of OOSH’s excursion program and will complete a separate excursion permission note for the applicable excursion.
I acknowledge that G & PG rated movies may be shown at the Centre where appropriate.
I authorise St Nicholas OOSH, its officers and agents in the event of an accident or illness to obtain medical treatment, hospital assistance and emergency medical transportation via ambulance as required and agree to pay all expenses thereby incurred.
I understand that my signature below is providing permission for my child/ren to participate in the activities provided by St Nicholas OOSH (at the service specified above).
I understand that no refunds are given to confirmed bookings without five full working days written notice. (Public holidays, weekends, closure dates and the day of cancellation are not included). I have read all enrolment terms & conditions and agree to abide by them.
I acknowledge that by enrolling my child/ren at St Nicholas OOSH I am an entering into a complying written agreement whereby I will be charged the fees advised for the session/s I have indicated that my child/ren will attend on a casual basis and that fees may vary from session to session.